of the TRILOGOS series »Interview Pearls« 2018

an Interview with: Reinhilde Burg | manager
recorded in the BAVARIA studios / Munich 2018


In this 6-minute video, this manager talks about her experiences in the business world regarding the interplay between her own personality and everyday working life.

From her point of view, it has become increasingly difficult to bring these two realms of life into harmony, a trend that has been accelerating for 7 to 10 years.

In search for a way out, she has been actively engaged in personality development and has been able to bring her own humanness back to the forefront in her life.

She is convinced that, in a world that is becoming faster and more complex, companies and their future-oriented actions can achieve more sustainable and better output when run by employees who work holistically.

moderated / produced by Stefanie Sixt
on behalf of the Trilogos Foundation

© 2021

To continue working on your perception on your own, we recommend the self-guided course
In Touch With Your Inner Voice, Level 1, by Linda Vera Roethlisberger.

It is available on the learning platform, at   

© TRILOGOS STIFTUNG, Since 2012. ALL Rights reserved | Last updated 01/10/2025