Process work with the Trilogos®Method (practice, exercises)
Preparation: Either listen to or read ...
a body relaxation (autogenic training) exercise to bring body, soul and spirit into harmony;
the invitation to connect with the creative power (God, Allah, Supreme Consciousness, nothing, etc.), and to trust that you are connected with this force;
the instructions to temporarily suspend or silence active thoughts and feelings;
the instruction to greet your spiritual helper (your higher self, your individual essential predisposition);
the invitation to engage in a guided journey (similar to katathym imaginative therapy) with “the Supreme” and “the spiritual helper,” namely in deep communion and self-responsibly. Take the courage to engage in an encounter with yourself in deep faith and trusting that you will gain important insights about yourself.
Mental journey: You will experience ...
a carefully guided “journey” in a waking or daydream;
an internal and external relaxation and strengthening;
an individual surprise;
a responsibly guided return to everyday life.
Evaluation and implementation: You ...
recognize what you’ve experienced and accept it;
name and record your experience accurately;
interpret what you’ve experienced;
draw a connection between what you’ve experienced and yourself;
make a resolution;
and implement it in your everyday life!
There is nothing more changeable than a human being!