TRILOGOSIANER Interview 2022 with Terry Collins / USA

from our TRILOGOSIANER Interviewseries 2022

Our Trilogosianer interview series is proud to present yet another insightful and profound video interview, this time with our “English Trilogos voice.”


Communicating across thousands of kilometers and a vast ocean thanks to digital media, we portrayed a person who has been a valuable asset to Trilogos, albeit mostly behind the scenes: Our dear Terry Collins, from the United States. A long-time supporter of the Trilogos Foundation, Terry has been the voice behind our English phantasy journeys, exercises and audio books.

Terry was happy to engage in the interview and answer our questions. The video shows what kind of person Terry is, what turns her life has taken, how she looks at this world, where she currently sees her life’s tasks and how her cooperation with Trilogos and the Trilogos®Method came about.

In the roughly 30-minute long video, Terry shares delightful snippets of her American-European life. Indeed, the interview gives us the opportunity to understand how the world is viewed and interpreted from a non-European point of view.

As with the other Trilogosianer interviews, this interview was held by Rosemarie Gampe. 


You can find this TRILOGOS Interview with Terry Collins
on our youtube channel or see it here on our Homepage:



  0:15 Min about Terry and her life
  4:12 Min aspects of my personality
  6:30 Min the californian way to be
  8:13 Min what shaped me most
  9:55 Min growing ist a painfull process
14:35 Min commitments we keep
16:06 Min it´s all about passion and commitment
18:40 Min a recent challenge in my life
23:00 Min when I met Linda
25:30 Min I became the „English Trilogos voice“
27:10 Min the funniest thing that happened


Terry Collins’ relationship with Trilogos began in 2009, at a private meeting at Lake Zurich. The casual acquaintance developed into a closer bond some time later, when Terry was able to witness herself how Linda Roethlisberger helped a person from her close circle of friends out of a deep life crisis.

Ever since then, Terry has been a dedicated supporter of the Trilogos®Method, spending many hours in the recording studio for the Trilogos Foundation, among other things to lend her English voice to the guided meditation exercises.

Of note is that she does this free of charge, driven by the desire to making the exercises and books accessible to non-German speakers and to spreading the method throughout the world.

In her professional life, Terry looks back on a successful and rewarding career holding leadership positions in mergers and acquisitions.

The Trilogos Foundation is very grateful to Terry for her extraordinary contribution over the years. We’ve appreciated her kind and warm disposition and, of course, her empathetic, trust-instilling voice when reading the Trilogos audio texts.

The interview was conducted in English.
