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By and with Linda Vera Roethlisberger

The experiences we have in everyday life, in a mediumistic Trilogos consultation or when working with the self-guided course In Touch With Your Inner Voice (levels 1‒3) invariably give rise to themes from one or more of the three areas of health, interpersonal relationships or career/work life. These can be tackled individually.

Under the guidance of Linda Vera Roethlisberger, you will take part in a guided imagery (catathymic experience of images combined with the Trilogos Method). Your own perceptions are the starting point for working on the topic. Linda Vera Roethlisberger helps you to recognize links and to find solutions.

Duration and cost of an individual coaching session

  • Usually 1 to 3 hours
  • For a preliminary consultation, see Trilogos®Consulting
  • Individual coaching: 120.00 CHF per hour


We will gladly set up an appointment with you by appointment form, phone or e-Mail:
Phone:   +41 44 910 47 47


The appointments will take place:

Trilogos Foundation
Linda Vera Roethlisberger
Rainweg 13

CH-8700 Küsnacht /ZH


You decide on the intervals.

Nonetheless, for best results we recommend planning for regular sessions.

Click here to make your appointment!

© TRILOGOS STIFTUNG, Since 2012. ALL Rights reserved