Handbook Trilogos Diploma Certificate 3 - TRILOGOS Teacher, Supervisor, Consultant | 2024
IQ + EQ + SQ = PsyQ® edition | an interdisciplinary series of the Trilogos®Foundation - Vol 7
Author: Linda Vera Roethlisberger
co-Author: Prof. Dr. Michael Noah Weiss
1. Edition 2024
GRIN Verlag
ISBN E-Book: 978-3-389-098-516
ISBN Softcover: 978-3-389-098-523
With this Certificate 3 Handbook for becoming a Trilogos teacher, supervisor, counselor and mentor, you will acquire the following qualifications:
You expand on your profound and broad knowledge of diverse theoretical approaches to personality development, humanistic pedagogy, humanistic psychology (especially transpersonal) as well as existential philosophy. As you do so, you will also deepen and refine your theoretical and practice-oriented knowledge of the Trilogos®Method.
You gain an in-depth and application-oriented knowledge of psychodynamics as well as developmental and educational psychology. In addition, you will learn how to support people in the formation of their personality and character, and how to apply the intervention measures and techniques necessary for those ends. Applying experience-based learning, you will be accompanying and fostering people in building their social and personality competence as well as their ethical formation of consciousness.
You will teach the basic knowledge of the Trilogos®Method in theory and practice and convey it with materials and documents that you put together on your own. In addition, as a mentor you will accompany your students on a longer-term path of personality development. For this purpose, you will have gained the required self-confidence, self-esteem and self-assessment.
You are in touch with your basic trust and can recognize fate as an opportunity. You have discipline and perseverance in your own path of personality development and continually improve your skills of accurate self-assessment. You become increasingly aware of your own personal potential and are able to expand and develop it independently and heal any negative potentials on your own. You have a high sense of responsibility, a lot of patience as well as an understanding of yourself and others. You convince through conscientiousness, mindfulness and a high degree of social competence.
Published as: eBook and Hardcover 193 pages / GRIN Verlag
The Basics about Certificate 3 | 8 |
LEARNING MODULE A: Conducting mediumistic consultations |
Lesson 1 - Preparing a mediumistic consultation | 23 |
Lesson 2 - Holding a mediumistic consultation | 38 |
Lesson 3 - Debriefing and reworking a mediumistic consultation | 45 |
LEARNING MODULE B: Holding Trilogos workshops |
Lesson 1 - Preparing a Trilogos workshop | 49 |
Lesson 2 - Holding a Trilogos workshop | 57 |
LEARNING MODULE C: Facilitating the Trilogos Basic Training |
Lesson 1 - Preparing the Trilogos Basic Training based on the self-guided course In Touch With Your Inner Voice, Levels 1-3 | 69 |
Lesson 2 - Holding the individual levels and lessons of the Trilogos Basic Training | 86 |
Lesson 3 - Debriefing and reworking completed levels and lessons of the Trilogos Basic Training | 97 |
LEARNING MODULE D: Mentoring of at least one trainee of the Certificate 1 or 2 training |
Lesson 1 - Supervising trainees in preparing their learning assignments | 106 |
Lesson 2 - Accompanying trainees in the field in implementing their learning assignments | 113 |
Lesson 3 - Supervising trainees in reworking their learning assignments | 120 |
Overarching Learning Module: Personal development – from PsyQ to PsyK |
126 |
Examinations for Certificate 3 | 133 |
APPENDIX | 139 |