TRILOGOS Institute (first a sole proprietorship, then a limited liability company) 1990–2012 / Trilogos Foundation since 2012
The Trilogos®Milestones in pictures can be found in the slideshow at the end of this page.
Both Trilogos homepages were migrated to a reliable new technical basis for technical reasons: CMS backdrop.
The tried and tested TRILOGOS newsletter (German language) was published quarterly.
Brochure and audio book: REISE ZUR WEISHEIT - Aufbruch in eine neue Zeit (German), were translated into English by Cathleen Poehler/Can: THE JOURNEY TO WISDOM - Faith, love, hope and into French by Albert Beaudry/Can and recorded by native speakers: English by Terry Collins/USA and French by Françoise Zickler/CH, and have been made freely available in all languages.
In a new concept, as a series of 6 books each, Level 1 of the self-guided course: “In Touch With Your Inner Voice”, was published in a 2nd edition in German and as a first edition in English.
Trilogos was professionally represented for the seventh time at the 8th International Mental Health Conference in CHISINAU, Republic of Moldova, with a virtual lecture plus workshop by Dr. Michael Noah Weiss on the topic of INNOVATION THROUGH INTUITION.
Volumes 2 and 3 of the English-language manuals of the Trilogos diploma program were published by the scientifically oriented GRIN publishing house, within the scientific TRILOGOS series: IQ + EQ + SQ = PsyQ® edition.
In December 2024, Lisa Hirt started the implementation of the new digital e-learning project.
The content of the German version of the Trilogos homepage www.trilogos.ch, which is a little “outdated”, is undergoing a fundamental overhaul.
The “TRILOGOS Network of Partner Experts” welcomes three new members: Maya Filipova-Schadenfroh/Vaduz (FL); Marie Barbara Hugentobler-Rudolf/(CH) and Verena Fehr Hadorn/(CH).
Der sinnliche Draht zur geistigen Welt, the German workbook by Linda Vera Roethlisberger (1st edition 1995) was out of print in bookstores and is being republished in its 8th edition by tredition/Hamburg. It is now also available as an ENGLISH Version for the first time IN TOUCH WITH YOUR INNER VOICE.
With a short 5-part INSIGHTS VIDEO SERIES in German and English, explanations of the Trilogos method are now being published in digital form.
Renewed TRILOGOS participation in the form of a virtual workshop plus presentation in English at the 7th International “Mental Health Conference” in CHISINAU, Republic of Moldova, represented by Dr. Michael Noah Weiss with the keynote title: INNOVATION THROUGH INTUITION: Exploring Innovative Ideas through Guided Imagery. A Trilogos Method Experiment Insights from Scholars' Experiences.
The booklet JOURNEY TO WISDOM - Faith, love, hope. Breaking into a new era: the light is within you!, by Linda Vera Roethlisberger from 2012 is freely available as a read audiobook on the youtube channel.
The 10th anniversary of the Trilogos Foundation! With the signing of the documents, Linda Roethlisberger’s life’s work was and will be continued to be recognized and more broadly supported in order to spread the Trilogos®Method not only nationally but also internationally.
We’ve declared 2022 as our year of COOPERATION. That focus has given rise to the launch of the Trilogos Cooperation Network, for which we’ve already been able to recruit a number of experts from a wide range of fields. These professionals were already familiar with and involved with Trilogos and the Trilogos®Method, and are now featured on our homepage. They are: Maren Szepanski, from Berlin; Stefanie Sixt, from Augsburg; Corinne Sonja Grob, from Switzerland; and Rainer Holbe, from Frankfurt.
In 2022, Trilogos also issued, or is issuing, its new MONTHLY IMPULSES—twelve monthly texts (including short exercises) that are published as part of the NEWSLETTER. Closely oriented to the BEACON series, they encapsulate the chapter contents of those books.
Further, we produced the TRILOGOSIANER video series (mostly German), in which we zeroed in on the main individuals behind Trilogos, featuring them both in front of and behind the scenes with interviews. These individuals are: Rita Froehlich, Waltraud Heigl, Rosmarie Gampe, Dr. Michael Noah Weiss and Terry Collins (English).
A four-part interview series with Linda Vera Roethlisberger (German only) was also recorded, offering a more personal and informal insight into the founder’s motives for the emergence of the Beacon series. In the series, the Trilogos founder answers in-depth questions about the titles BASIC TRUST, INTUITION, INDIVIDUATION and CREATIVITY of this series.
Yet another highlight of 2022 was the publication of Linda Vera Roethlisberger’s first textbook in English: THE SENSORY CHANNEL TO THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. Published by tredition, Hamburg, the book is now sold internationally in print format and as an e-book.
In addition, Trilogos has translated the first part its three-part Trilogos certificate training program into English. Published by GRIN, the handbook, entitled Trilogos Diploma Certificate 1: Trilogos Trainer | Handbook, is now available to English-speaking readers.
Both books were translated by Cathleen Poehler, Canada.
In 2022, Trilogos again participated in the 6th Eastern European Conference of Mental Health & 3rd International Public Mental Health Conference, in Zagreb, Croatia. There, Dr. Michael Noah Weiss represented the Foundation with his keynote speech on EXISTENTIAL (PEER) LEARNING ‒ About Experiences on Personal and Professional Development Through the Trilogos®Method.
In 2021, the Trilogos Foundation launched its new short video series entitled Interview Pearls. The first interview called »Life experiences«, had been held with Michael Noah Weiss in 2018. The series is designed to showcase valuable contributions of a wide range of individuals from their respective fields of activity on a monthly basis. So far, Interview Pearls has published interviews with Prof. Dr. Germain Weber, Prof. Dr. Michael Noah Weiss, Linda Vera Roethlisberger and Reinhilde Burg.
In addition, the Foundation has been promoting the Trilogos®Method with a brand new format: TRILOGOS LIVE, a monthly digital media evening event. Hosted by Michael Noah Weiss, the events are subsequently made available on the Trilogos YouTube channel.
A further highlight of 2021 was the publication of the four books from Linda’s new Beacon Series. Published by tredition, they are available in both German and English as hardcovers, e-books as well as audio books and consist of the volumes: 1 On the Path Towards Basic Trust | 2 The Path of Intuition | 3 Individuation ‒ On the Path To and Beyond One’s Self | 4 Creativity ‒ The Power of Change.
Moreover, the Trilogos Foundation participated, for the fourth time, at the 5th International Eastern European Conference of Mental Health. Representing Trilogos, Michael Noah Weiss held a lecture at the event, held in Zagreb from September 30 to October 2.
The Trilogos Foundation has been involved with the ETH Foundation / Zürich, where it has established the named fund entitled “Linda Roethlisberger / Trilogos Fonds” in order support young people in their personal development with the Trilogos®Method. As part of ETH Week 2021 (September 12‒17, 2021), Trilogos took part for the first time, with a keynote by Prof. Dr. Michael Weiss, in the Knowledge Fair held on the Hönggerberg campus as well as with a Trilogos booth and as a participant in the symposium held the Balgrist University Hospital.
Finally, in 2021 the Trilogos Foundation was also proud to be able to recommend the publication Daimonic Dialogues, by Michael Noah Weiss. The book presents the experiences of some twenty students at a Norwegian adult education school with Trilogos guided image journeys.
Our German Trilogos Homepage www.trilogos.ch obtained renewals. It was re-based on a brandnew IT (Information Technology) version. Together with this it got modern features and an extensive archive was installed, witch includes a search-function.
We also launched a completely overworked our German TRILOGOS Newsletter -A companion-, which got also a „facelift“.
Three of the most important Audio-Exercises out of the textbook »The Sensory Link to the Spiritual World« (in German Language only) was re-produced as a Video-Format. It was provided to every interested German-speaking person on youtube without charge: 1. Picture Journey / 2. Flower Tree / 3. A drive.
Furthermore, we published the 3 Handbooks of our Trilogos Diploma Certification (in German Language) as: Certificate 1 – Trilogos Trainer / Certificate 2 – Trilogos Referent / Certificate 3 – Trilogos Teacher.
The 30th Anniversary of Trilogos took place as an virtual Event on 14th of Novembre 2020. We celebrated this together with Trilogos Friends and Fans. According to this jubilée we watched in common a premiere of our newest Film: »30 years of TRILOGOS 1990-2020«. Also available is a complete LIVE-Video (German Lanugage) of this celebration.
Again -3rd time in a row- Trilogos Foundation was a participant of the 4th International East European Conferenz for Mental Health in SIBIU/Romania and represented by Prof. Dr. phil. Germain Weber/Vienna-Austria together with Prof. Dr. phil. Michael Noah Weiss/Oslo-Norway as speakers.
As kick-off of a new Shortfilm-Series the Foundation produced and launched the first Video: »Interview with Michael Noah Weiss -life experience- (2020)« (English Language).
Our TRILOGOS-Film: »A path towards human competence« was produced and published with additional subtibles as an English version.
The course-book of Linda Vera Roethlisberger: »In Touch With Your Inner Voice« / Level 1 (Course 1 to 6) was launched in a modern, digital e-Learning version on the international learning platform www.udemy.com. It is available in German and also English Language.
A compact Description of the TRILOGOS Method in a nutshell was developed and produced. It is available as a Brochure (8-pages) in English and German edition. Included are the questions of: What is the Trilogos®Method? And: What ist he aim of the Trilogos®Method?
Second time in a row the Trilogos Foundation was presented with their Poster-Series at the International Mental Health Conference in SIBIU/Romania in a professional way by Prof. Dr. Gemain Weber/University of Vienna-Austria.
Trilogos is increasing its commitment to disseminating the Trilogos Method across the United States. The new English-language website ‒ www.trilogos.com ‒ will be launched.
The Trilogos poster series is presented at the 2nd Eastern European Conference for Mental Health in Sibiu/Romania and the 9th International Conference on Health Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Havana / Cuba by Prof. Germain Weber.
Michael Noah Weiss quits his position as director of training and continuing education due to his new position as associate professor at the University of South-East Norway. He continues as advisory board member and Trilogos trainer.
In addition, Trilogos is working on the short film Competence in being human! The film will provide an overview of what the Trilogos Method is about and who and what is behind the Trilogos Foundation.
Linda Roethlisberger and her team began offering their services in the United States as an affiliate of Sharon Griggs and her organization Coaching for Leadership and Change.
In fall 2017, Michael Noah Weiss became the director in charge of training and continuing education.
Trilogos exhibited its posters (a set of 12) to present its mission at the 8th International Conference on Health Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Havana / Cuba.
The impact of the Trilogos Method was scientifically confirmed by empirical studies conducted by the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Vienna. Significant improvements in various areas of life were observed in particular through the World Health Organization Quality of Life assessment (WHOQOL-100).
Monika Langenegger replaced Andrea Malär as new member of the Foundation’s board of trustees.
Linda Vera Roethlisberger published the self-guided course book In Touch With Your Inner Voice (Levels 1 to 3). With this book, the comprehensive content of the basic training stage, which had been continuously developed over the course of the years, was made available to all.
Another milestone: Organizers of Trilogos® reading groups and certified Trilogos trainers, consultants, supervisors and others obtained a trademark flicense from the Foundation.
2012, July 11
Linda Vera Roethlisberger founded the Trilogos®Foundation. Apart from her, the other foundation members are Dr. med. dent. Naritaka Fukazawa and Andrea Malär.
Trilogos GmbH was dissolved.
The Foundation gave its first final exit examination Certificate 3 of the mediumistic diploma program and accepted its first diploma thesis.
The 50th – and last – issue of the in-house journal ELEMENTI was published. The journal, which also had a digital presence for some time, spanned some 15 years of Trilogos history.
Launch of IQ+EQ+SQ = PsyQ® Edition, an interdisciplinary series for the Trilogos Foundation.
To commemorate its 20th anniversary, TRILOGOS revamped its website.
The Institute celebrated its 20-year anniversary.
Die Entdeckung des PsyQ - unser inneres Ordnungssystem erkennen und nutzen (The discovery of PsyQ – Recognizing and using our internal system of ordering) was published; authored by Michael Weiss and edited by Linda Roethlisberger.
Michael Noah Weiss becomes a contract worker at Trilogos.
In December, the digital PsyQ®Netz (founded in 2004) was archived by Dr. phil. Michael Weiss.
Dr. phil. Michael Weiss published the first books of his interdisciplinary research series In_Spirit in the TRILOGOS Verlag.
Some of Linda Vera Roethlisberger’s books were published in other languages.
The first dissertation on the Trilogos Method was published. Entitled “Constructive Realism and the Trilogical PsyQ®Teaching” (our English translation), it was written for a degree in epistemological philosophy at the University of Vienna.
Linda Vera Roethlisberger founded the TRILOGOS Verlag, a publishing house.
The workbook Intuition ist erlernbar (Intuition can be learned) (Hugendubel-Verlag) and the Trilogos-PsyQ®Methode (Peter Lang Verlag, Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften), both by Linda Vera Roethlisberger, complement the teaching materials of the Trilogical PsyQ® teaching.
For the first time, the year-long course “Trilogos®Basic Training” by and with Linda Vera Roethlisberger was offered as part of the adult education program of Leuenberg, a conference venue run by the reformed church in Hölstein, Switzerland.
On December 9, the TRILOGOS Club was dissolved, and replaced by the new international association PsyQ®Netz.
The Institute, and an external examination committee, gave its first exit examination for Certificate 2 of the mediumistic diploma program.
Linda Vera Roethlisberger also accompanied students from various universities who wished to integrate the Trilogos Method into their thesis or dissertation.
Linda Vera Roethlisberger invented the formula IQ+EQ+SQ = PsyQ® to describe the trilogical, psycho-spiritual intelligence, or human potential. This sets the milestone for the Trilogos®Method.
1999, May 11
Das Institute incorporated as Trilogos GmbH. The founding members are Prof. Dr. jur. Jörg Rehberg, Dr. jur. Stefan Flachsmann and Linda Vera Roethlisberger.
The annual TRILOGOS Forum held at Seehof Küsnacht, organized by the Trilogos Club, took place for a tenth year in a row. This year it was moderated by Rainer Holbe from the German television channel ZDF.
The Institute, and an external examination committee, gave its first exit examination for Certificate 1 of the mediumistic diploma program.
Linda Vera Roethlisberger founded the TRILOGOS Club as a non-profit organization. Its goal was to promote the exchange of opinions and experiences between people interested in consciousness work along the lines of Trilogos.
From 1996 until 2012/13, the Trilogos®Basic Training was offered every year as the Institute’s main standard course.
The first student began working towards a diploma degree.
TRILOGOS Elementi, the Institute’s digital in-house newspaper, was launched as a platform for exchange.
The digital TRILOGOS Forum, the TRILOGOS Kultur-Forum as well as the series of TRILOGOS films were likewise introduced as forms for encounter and exchange.
The textbook by Linda Vera Roethlisberger "Der sinnliche Draht zur geistigen Welt" (The Sensory Link to the Spiritual World) was published.
1990, October 5
Linda Vera Roethlisberger founded the Institut TRILOGOS, which offered an intercultural and non-denominational personality and consciousness training program that was independent of any ideology as a sole proprietorship in Küsnacht, Zurich. The Institute offered a basic training and diploma program for each of the three levels of the course (now continued by the Trilogos Foundation) as well as a number of individual events.
During this time, Linda Vera Roethlisberger also worked in adult education in Germany and Austria.
© TRILOGOS STIFTUNG, Since 2012. ALL Rights reserved | Last updated 02/17/2025