
By and with Linda Vera Roethlisberger

You may remain “passive” during mediumistic counseling. Linda Vera Roethlisberger will read your aura, may establish contact with “non-incarnated consciousness impulses” and find links between these perceptions and your everyday life.

Of course, you can choose to be “active” at all times by asking questions.

Possible topics in individual consultations

  • determining our bearings in terms of health, relationships, work life;
  • recognizing our very own dispositions, talents, abilities and tasks;
  • becoming better able to cope with difficult situations in everyday life;
  • exploring the causes of conflicts, overcoming conflicts;
  • recognizing broader connections;
  • finding a sense for the here and now;
  • analyzing our own visions;
  • looking at consciousness from a trilogical-mediumistic point of view;
  • etc.


You may record the consultation with your own device (sound only, no video).

Duration and cost of an individual consultation   

Usually150.00 CHF per  50 minutes
Every additional 15 minutes will be charged
(to be scheduled in advance)
50.00 CHF each (may not exceed 100 consecutive minutes in total)

Appointments with Linda Vera Roethlisberger

We will be glad to set up an appointment with you by appointment form, phone or e-Mail:
Phone:   +41 44 910 47 47


The appointments with Linda V. Roethlisberger will take place:

Trilogos Foundation
Linda Vera Roethlisberger
Rainweg 13
CH-8700 Küsnacht/ZH


Mediumistic online consultation

with Michael Noah Weiss, Trilogos Diploma


During the consultation, Michael Weiss develops intuitive ideas and impulses that the guest can use for further self-reflection.

The following philosophical questions may become relevant:

  • What can I learn and recognize about myself through these impulses?
  • Which challenges in my everyday life can I now better understand and accept?
  • What does meaning and fulfillment mean to me?” 


Duration:       50 Minutes

Costs:             No Fees


For an appointment please contact Michael Weiss directly via eMail:

The consultation is provided online via Zoom or similar platforms. 



You decide on the intervals

  • One-time consultation
  • Regular “getting your bearings” sessions, for example, about reviewing the past year
  • Anamnesis with the goal of continuing to work independently
  • (see Trilogos®Coaching, Trilogos®Training in small groups, reading groups)

Click here to make your appointment!

© TRILOGOS STIFTUNG, Since 2012. ALL Rights reserved | Last updated 02/17/2025