Trilogos Foundation: joins forces with ETH Zürich
Dr. theol. Martin Keller
Linda Vera Roethlisberger founded the Trilogos Foundation in the summer of 2012 to ensure that her writings and her work on the Trilogos®Method are preserved as well as continually developed. A close collaboration with ETH Zürich serves to support this mission. As part of this collaboration, a named fund called “Linda Roethlisberger / Trilogos Fonds” was established under the umbrella of the ETH Zürich Foundation.
The purpose of this fund is to support teaching and research at ETH Zürich with a focus on projects that deal with the Trilogos®Method and that emphasize the importance of personality formation and development and their impact on how humans live together and societal development.
Personality formation and development are important elements for the well-being of the individual and for society as a whole. Especially during turbulent times in society, politics, the economy and science, competence in humanness and in being with one’s fellow human beings gains special significance.