MHASEE 2019, Sibiu, Romania

3rd Eastern European Mental Health Conference

in and out of your mind is the heading under which the Mental Health Association of South-Eastern Europe (MHASEE) is holding its conference this year in Sibiu, Romania. The community dedicates its work to mental health and focuses its contributions on it.
The aim of the organizers is to present the current state of research by high-ranking scientists, to inform about it on an international stage and to disseminate the knowledge. The relevant educational institutions also present themselves.
This year, the association is organizing a 4-day conference for the 3rd time in a row, which will feature top-class presentations by 20 international scientists as well as practical exercises with the aim of improving people's quality of life.
It is important to all those involved to raise public awareness of the links between mental health and quality of life and to highlight the importance of prevention and treatment. The conference enables the exchange of ideas and the initiation of new scientific research projects.



For the second time in a row, the Trilogos Foundation and the Trilogos Method were represented in Sibiu (Romania) by Prof. G. Weber/Vienna, who gave a lecture and presented the TRILOGOS poster exhibition: The ABC of the TRILOGOS®Method at the 3rd International Eastern European Congress for Mental Health.



This year's event was attended by over 160 participants, mainly from academic medical backgrounds (doctors, psychologists, psychotherapists, nurses, social workers, etc.).

The connection between mental and physical health always attracts a great deal of attention and recognition. We are also very pleased about this, because “mental health” is precisely the aim of the Trilogos method.

For example, guided meditation and reconnecting with the individual, creative core of each person, decoding dreams and “listening” to one's own inner voice consciously counteract the general alienation of people from themselves and others. The result is well-being, a reduction in stress and doubt, as well as an increase in one's own intuition and the experience of the meaningfulness of circumstances.

Quote from Prof. G. Weber about the Trilogos presentation: 
“... the topic of burn-out was often on the agenda for specialist staff, including doctors, psychologists and nursing staff in psychiatric institutions. Here it was possible to tie in well with the autodidactic program of Trilogos, which met with considerable interest from the audience ...”

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