In Touch With Your Inner Voice

PsyQ® Training for personality and consciousness formation, Level 1






Author: Linda Vera Roethlisberger


1. Edition 2012
incl. 2 CDs (mp3) with 22 guided Meditations, 717 pages, Hardcover, 19 x 25 cm
This book is available in German Language. In English as eBook version.

Pro Business, Berlin
ISBN: 978-3-86386-328-9

in 6 courses at

‟The strong practice-oriented perspective of the Trilogos®Method gives hope for a scientific psychology that again understands something of the soul. Perhaps Linda Vera Roethlisberger will show us the way into the new age of an everyday netherworld awareness.”


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Herrmann, Goethe University Frankfurt

The longing for a fulfilled life in which we integrate all facets of our personality accompanies us on our path of individuation. How might we learn to understand our own language of the soul and live a meaningful, happy and successful life?

The Trilogos®Method provides a field-tested training and experience program that builds bridges to the subconscious and to transpersonal levels.

It allows for the gradual attainment of psychic balance and equanimity alongside an increased capability to solve everyday challenges in a holistic way:

IQ + EQ + SQ = PsyQ® – Your psycho-spiritual intelligence will guide you in that process.

The insights thus gathered can then change and enrich our approach to our health, relationships and work life. Overall, we learn to realize our goals and dreams and to be at the service of ourselves and thereby the greater whole.

In Touch With Your Inner Voice
Level 1

With this book you may:  

  • discover your individual symbolic language,
  • train your perception, intuition and mediality,
  • train mediumistic feeling, smelling, knowing, seeing and hearing,
  • learn about aura reading, channeling and spiritual healing, and
  • recognize and use your true potential

Includes 22 guided meditations on 2 CDs (mp3, 11 hours)

The book is available in German Language, English Language as E-book Version.


We look forward to hearing from you.

To order the book, please contact us at:

PsyQ® Training for personality and consciousness formation, Level 2






Author: Linda Vera Roethlisberger


1. Edition 2013
incl. 2 CDs (mp3) with 18 guided Meditations, 608 pages, Hardcover, 19 x 25 cm
This book is available in Germain Language only.

Pro Business, Berlin
ISBN: 978-3-86386-435-4

in 6 courses on

“The Trilogos®Method can significantly contribute to the creation of a prerequisite for a sustainable society: The ability to make decisions based on trust and empathy.”

Roland Fischer, Alpen-Adria-University Vienna and Klagenfurt

Each person has the resources to lead a happy and meaningful life. The memory of the subconscious, an empathic relationship with other people and the environment, and last but not least the connection to transpersonal levels form the potential of each individual. The Trilogos®Method includes techniques of deep relaxation, meditation, guided imaginative journeys and also integrates SQ (human spirituality) together with EQ (feelings) in order to stoke the sacred fire and tap this potential.It allows for the gradual attainment of psychic balance and equanimity alongside an increased capability to solve everyday challenges in a holistic way:

At the heart of Level 2 of this self-guided course is the creative use of this potential and thus the development of PsyQ towards PsyK, the competence in being human. Accordingly, creativity, as our co-creator and co-creative power, is in the foreground. Since all life goes back to the same origin, every human being also carries in herself the creative powers from the beginning of all time. To liberate them, it is necessary to delve deeper into working on oneself and one’ own resources, to gain insights and to use them wisely in life. Creative impulses create new, fresh ways of looking at life, they are the impetus to change to a truly fulfilling life.
In the six lessons of this course, you will expand your knowledge of your true self, gain an understanding of psychosomatics and much more, continue to work on integrating your shadow and your untapped talents, and gain a new level of stability in your daily life ‒ in keeping with the motto that “life is for learning.” Your original trust can continue to heal and nourish and stabilize your personal self-confidence in a powerful way.

Learn about the forces of the world, know and use your own creativity and creative power. Because: happiness and peace begin by taking care of your body and mind every day of your life. The power of your soul supports you in this lifelong process. You can only carry out into the world what you realize within yourself.

In Touch With Your Inner Voice
Level 2

With this book you may

  • discover your individual symbolic language,
  • train your perception, intuition and mediality,
  • train mediumistic feeling, smelling, knowing, seeing and hearing,
  • learn about aura reading, channeling and spiritual healing, and
  • recognize and use your true potential

Includes 18 guided meditations on 2 CDs (mp3, 10 hours)

The book is available in German Language only at the moment. English Language as E-book Version will be available in 2019.


We look forward to hearing from you.
To order the book please contact us at:

PsyQ® Training for personality and consciousness formation, Level 3






Author: Linda Vera Roethlisberger


1. Edition 2013
incl. 2 CDs (mp3) with 22 guided Meditations, 833 pages, Hardcover, 19x25 cm
This book is available in German Language only.

Pro Business
ISBN: 978-3-86386-510-8

in 6 courses on

“Trilogos: A promising, well-reflected, clever and well-proven method for building, furnishing, appreciating and cherishing your ‘big house’ as well as for being able to make a highly competent contribution to its conversion. With Trilogos, Linda Roethlisberger continues to holistically pursue humanistic-existential anthropology.”

Germain Weber, Associate Professor, University of Vienna

Humans are social beings: In relationships with others and their environment, they experience the full gamut of feelings from love to hatred (EQ), in exchange with others the creative as well as destructive power of the mind (IQ), and in the universal connectedness their ownmost spirituality (SQ).

Those who work holistically with the tools of the Trilogos®Method develop a deeper understanding of themselves and thus of their fellow human beings. They learn to discover their true potential on the basis of their intellect, feelings and spirituality as a resource, to draw from it and to evolve above and beyond it.   

Accordingly, the six lessons of this self-guided Level 3 course deal with the convictions, dispositions and habits of the individual, with judgments, prejudices and assessments, the formation of personality, consciousness and knowledge, and thereby the conscience of humans. Guided by the triad faith‒love‒hope, the individual advances in his path toward integration and cooperation. In other words, the individual becomes a true fellow human being, a bearer of hope for a peaceful coexistence in mutual respect and cooperative, healing devotion.

In Touch With Your Inner Voice
Level 3

With this book you may

  • discover your individual symbolic language,
  • train your perception, intuition and mediality,
  • train mediumistic feeling, smelling, knowing, seeing and hearing,
  • learn about aura reading, channeling and spiritual healing, and
  • recognize and use your true potential

Includes 20 guided meditations on 2 CDs (mp3, 10 hours)

The book is available in German Language only at the moment, English Language as E-book Version will be available soon.



We look forward to hearing from you.

To order the book please contact us at:

© TRILOGOS STIFTUNG, Since 2012. ALL Rights reserved | Last updated 02/17/2025