“The Trilogos®Method is an ingenious instrument for helping the more intellect-oriented academician establish a balance with regard to the constitution of the personality through the integration of the emotional and spiritual quotients. The physician thereby experiences a more differentiated social competence in her daily medical routine and the medical care she provides. An increased trust from the patient is clear evidence of the suitability of Trilogos®Method in practice.”
“The attempt to overcome the dualistic conception of man of the Platonic (early) Middle Ages manifested itself as monistic, deistic, atheistic – ultimately epiphenomenal – and triadic or tetradic. Linda Roethlisberger’s trilogical model is therefore in line with a tradition that goes back many centuries.
The model is characterized above all by the practice of clairsentience (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, etc.), a practice that, contrary to popular belief, does tie into the notion of “reality.” In one of his books, Paul Watzlawick has asked the provocative question “How real is reality?” Whether “Sturm und Drang” or naturalism, whether Swiss, German or Russian realism, the New Objectivity – even surrealism, modernity and postmodernism – they all offer approaches to reflect on so-called reality. Konrad Lorenz has shown that every species is endowed with just enough knowledge about reality as it needs for its survival. Accordingly, in the new millennium it seems appropriate ‒ and not pathological or schizophrenic – for the human species to rely on, for its survival, a vision of the deceased, spiritual helpers and guardian angels in its experience of so-called reality. Indeed, this is what the great figures of monastic life have been trying to practice and live for millennia. Perhaps Linda Roethlisberger will show us the way to the new age of an everyday awareness of an afterlife.
The soul has always been a mystery for empirical investigation through scientific studies. For this reason, academic psychology of the twentieth century has simply dispensed with thematizing the soul, considering it to be a “black box.” Linda Roethlisberger, by contrast, has endeavored to find a link to the new “transpersonal” psychology (Belschner, 2007). The Trilogos®Method’s strong relevance to practice brings the advantage of making the development of spirituality accessible to empirical inquiry. These first steps give reason to hope that the new scientific psychology may once again understand something of the soul.”
“If one had to define the essence of the Trilogos®Method from a philosophical point of view, then it would be the concept of holistic self-reflection, which is what most closely corresponds to what is accomplished by the implementation of this method. Over the course of applying the Trilogos®Method, a person learns to fundamentally question himself and his environment – he learns to look at his feelings, beliefs and as well as his causal-logical thinking and actions from a new perspective. Through this newly acquired view of things, change and personal development are easier to accomplish as they are suddenly perceived as a conscious chance and opportunity. If philosophy is understood as an ongoing questioning of the given with the goal of further development, as postulated by Heintel and Berger for example, then the Trilogos®Method may be considered as philosophy insofar as it supports and drives development at a personal level.”
“From a scientific perspective, I can say the following about the Trilogos®Method: One peculiarity of the method is that it transcends the boundaries of the scientific-rational realm all the while seeking and maintaining links with science. We might put forth the scientific argument that science alone does not allow to find meaning in life or help with regard to motivation and decision-making, be it for us as individuals or collectively as a society. Therefore, alternative forms of knowing and of gaining convictions and the resulting power are necessary. With its training offers, the Trilogos Method creates opportunities, in particular to develop spiritual intelligence (SQ). As a complement to the more conventional rational and emotional forms of intelligence (IQ and EQ), SQ represents the competence for finding meaning in the social and transcendent context. The Trilogos®Method can thus contribute significantly to creating a precondition for a sustainable society: the ability to make decisions based on trust and empathy.”
“The Trilogos®Method provides a well-defined tool for achieving a holistically-oriented physician-patient relationship. The Trilogos®Training helps patients experience the conditionality between body and soul in an intensive way, which supports the healing process. IQ+EQ+SQ enables physicians to determine the daily physical, emotional and mental ‘demands’ placed on them. In a world of uniform assessment standards as well as the increasing legal reglementation of healing and the penetration of the free market into medicine, the Trilogos®Method helps doctors to remain true to their vocation.”
“The Trilogos®Method developed by Linda Roethlisberger may be considered a technique of energy psychology (intervention at the interface of the quantum self and the ego). This type of thought field therapy, which has been discussed by Lambrou and Pratt, touches all levels of human existence – the intellectual, emotional and spiritual. It enables changes in the individual construction of reality and influences psycho-physical processes mutually and positively. The conscious use of non-local intelligence (intuition, connection, etc.) explains the successful change processes in thinking, feeling and acting. Due to the wide-ranging possibilities of intervention, this method should ultimately be located at interfaces, as it combines philosophical and scientific as well as psychological aspects. The training of symbolic communication in the trilogical sense is the awakening of PsyQ (human potential or trilogical intelligence) and the associated emotional competence and capacity for action (PsyK). Radical self-responsibility, serving the individual as well as the whole, is being developed in parallel with the change in individual reality construction.”
“Trilogos: A promising, well-reflected, clever and well-proven method for building, furnishing, appreciating and cherishing your ‘big house’ as well as for being able to make a highly competent contribution to its conversion. With Trilogos, Linda Roethlisberger continues to holistically pursue humanistic-existential anthropology.”
"Most courses in adult education, especially in the vocational sector, impart specific knowledge and skills by working with, promoting and providing a targeted competence in cognitive intelligence (IQ) pertaining to the mental and action-oriented sphere. In that sense, such courses are a continuation of our conventional school experience into adulthood. Yet this entails the danger of one-sidedness and overspecialization.
A holistic way of learning that integrates cognitive knowledge into the process of living also includes emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ). Indeed, this approach, applied by the Trilogos Method, ensures a strengthening of self-confidence (I am more than my IQ!) and the permanent consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills across different life situations and relationships. For the emotions are often in the way of the mind, and people who are spiritually impoverished, in other words, who see no meaning in life, are less likely to succeed professionally.
For this reason, knowledge about the interplay of mind, emotion and spirituality is crucial for learning and living together in a community. The Trilogos Method not only imparts this knowledge but also allows to, by means of exercises, absorb it. I consider the Trilogos®Method to be a valuable addition to adult education programs."