From the self-guided course "In Touch with your inner Voice", Level 1 / Lesson 1 / Unit 1 by Linda Very Roethlisberger
This trilogical exercise will allow you to, by looking inwards, experience where you stand in your development as a holistic person, namely with regard to the three basic capabilities of humans: rational / emotional / spiritual intelligence.
Perform the exercise "The Golden Sphere" in a quiet place. Allow approximately 30 minutes for this exercise, without the evaluation. Be prepared to need some time for yourself after completing the exercise.
There are two options for all of the guided imageries: you can either read the exercise or listen to it. If you still feel insecure or even anxious, read the guided imagery in comfort and begin by “dipping in” to it. However, switching between the outside, reading, and the inside, experiencing, makes it more difficult to have deep experiences. Listen to the exercise at a later time when you feel more secure and are ready to engage with yourself. One can, of course, also at any time visit Trilogos®Training groups, which are led by qualified trainers or experienced supervisors who are familiar with this method.
Be assured that you will only perceive and experience what at the moment is right and important for you. You will be confronted only with as much as you can process and implement.
(Audio spoken by Terry Collins / NY USA)
Duration Plan 40 Minutes plus elaboration of what you have experienced
Reference IN TOUCH WITH YOUR INNER VOICE / Level 1 PsyQ® – conscious living
by Linda Vera Roethlisberger
ISBN 978-3-86386-328-9 (German language)
Course 1 - Das ABC of the TRILOGOS®Method
as online-Training on the website: