Trilogos – very individual

Every human being deals with other questions of their being.

We offer, you choose:

Trilogos® Consulting  
Trilogos® Coaching

Every problem and every “conflict” has its unique cause. The psycho-spiritual power of a person can, often over generations, be entangled and eventually emerge as a conflict, for example in the form of resistance, fear, grief, separation and traumas.

The conflict becomes perceptible in one of the three areas of life:

  • health (e.g., psychosomatic disorder)
  • relationships (e.g., interpersonal difficulties) or
  • profession (e.g., problems at the workplace).

By recognizing, naming and reflecting on the case, a drive is created that can lead to a change of thinking and action.

Every consultation, coaching session and individual meeting is performed using the Trilogos®Method and is strictly confidential, individual and process-oriented.

© TRILOGOS STIFTUNG, Since 2012. ALL Rights reserved | Last updated 02/17/2025